Tuesday, 18 February, 2025

Jodhpur will organize State Level Wushu Championship 

Mahaveer Rathi
Newswave @Jodhpur
District Wushu Association and Arya Veer Dal, Jodhpur will jointly organize the 12th State Level sub junior and junior (Boys & Girls) Wushu tournament from November 1 to November 3 in Jodhpur.
Mr. Vinod Acharya, Secretary, District Wushu Association told that approximately 300 boys and 200 girls of 21 teams from various districts of Rajasthan will compete and check there ability, motor fitness and health related components like strength, endurance, flexibility, neuro muscular coordination etc. in the tournament. Championship will be organize under the supervision of international referee and technical official Mr. Rajesh Tailor.
In the opening ceremony of the competition, cultural programme will be organized in the evening of November 1. Morning session of the tournament will be organized at Jaswant Hall (Pld Campus) of Jai Narayan Vyas University Jodhpur, while evening session will be held at Police Line Basketball ground.
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